Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Selamat Tinggal...

Tahun 2008 mmg bnyk kenangan bg aku tp ia bakal melabuhkan tirainye..huu..mmg bnyk memori yg x dpt aku lupekn sepanjang tahun 2008 ni walaupn ianye manis mahupn pahit..Resolusi 2008 aku dh t'capai ke blom?? huu..tah la..aku pn dh x igt pe Resolusi 2008 aku ni..hee..xpe la..tuk 2009 ni,aku nk b'tekad tuk jd yg lbey bek dr tahun 2008..hurmm?? pe ni?!!..sume org ckp nk jd yg lbey bek dr yg lepas pdhl bile kite tgk sme je,x b'ubah pape pn..huu..xpe aku,aku nk jd fiq yg b'lainan dr fiq 2008 punye..ok x?? hehe =P..tgk la bagaimne fiq 2009 nnti..hehe..anyway,happy new year to everyone n my beloved frenz..smoge tahun 2008 telah m'berikn memori yg t'indah bg korg n tahun 2009 ini akan m'jd titik p'mulaan bg sesuatu yg br dlm hidup korg..hopefully..k la..Adios!!! (",)v

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Berakhir Sudah... Bermula Yang Baru...

Berakhir sudah cuti sem tol la nk blk shah alam..padahal umh aku ngn shah alam tu bpe minit je..nk blk slalu pn leh tp bnyk duet lak nk ulang alik dr dok umh pn bkn wat pape pn,asyik layan sepi je..xpe,masuk sem baru ni semangat mesti kne br..focus 4 my study la..tu target aku..aku dh kalah ngn org yg deal ngn aku..tah cmne lak leh klh..slalu aku yg menang..hehe =P..tah die nk mntk ke x habuannye xtau la..aritu die kate kn cancel deal xpe la..nk mntk ye mntk..sem br ni aku try harder la..k la..Adios!!! (",)v

Friday, December 26, 2008


Aquarius Horoscope - Based on your Moon Sign

"2009 would pose challenges overall as a gradual slide in resources could be felt as the year progresses. You will find monetary challenges would be high as the year commences.A sudden increase in financial pressures is possible due to a sudden loss or a financial liability beyond your control. This is a time when overheads would be high and expenses will continue to outstrip income, especially up to April 2009. Investments and financial exposure should be totally controlled. Improvements would come after May 2009 till July 2009 as financial condition as well as your outlook would turn positive and be a reason for cheer. New events beyond 16 th June 2009 should be handled carefully since a slide down in work as well as financial matters could come during the August 2009 - 17 th October 2009 phase.Mistakes and issues of the January 2009 and April 2009 period could come back after August 2009 therefore you should be cautious and conservative in the period between January to April 2009. Unorthodox thinking and actions could make you loose your position between January and April 2009 and therefore you should be cautious mostly. Period beyond 3 rd November 2009 will bring a rise in level of gains as well as an increase in income till end of the year. It is a good period for friendships, social life but not for sensors relationships.As January 2009 commences, issues in marital matters would be high (if married). Generally too you will find a certain level of rise in opposition to your ideas as well as thoughts. This phase would be felt more till 17 th May 2009 . You will however, easily be able to overcome these issues of your focus and put your mind on it.Distance with spouse and business partners would be fell overall. Period beyond 10 th September 2009 could see a dip in confidence as well as general level of luck. There will be a slowdown due to which you need to remain conservative and low profile.Family life will experience distance and a slide in relations most of the year except between May and July 2009 when a remarkable improvement would come overall. Still it is a period of caution overall this year. Money matters too would be challenging due to dip in gains and a rise in level of expenses most of the year except between May and July 2009 as well as post 20 th December 2009 .Income will dip as the year commences. It will rise between May and July 2009 and Post November 2009. Investment of any sort should be avoided. You should stay away from speculation during February 2009 as well as between 16 th June 2009 and 17 th October 2009 . Further money matters / investment could cause worry during January, May and September 2009. This year could be challenging and we would suggest remedies for Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn."

Huu..leh cye ke ngn bnde2 ni sume??hurmm..aku xde la nk cye sgt psl kadang2 tu ade la yg t'kne kt aku xde la fanatik sgt nk follow bnde2 ni sume,juz nk tau je..aku plih aquarius psl ni aku pnye zodiak..hee..x kisah la nk cye ke x tp yg penting qada' & qadar tu sume ditntukn oleh 4JJl..klo Die dh tntukn cmtu dlm idup kite ni,kite trime je la kn..juz redha..nk wat cmne kn..k la..Adios!!! (",)v

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cuti = Buhsan...

Time cuti ni pn leh jd buhsan kn..huu..xtau la aku ni..cpt la msuk sem..aku dh x tahan dh ni nk blajo..ceh!! smngt lbey nmpk!! hehe..mne x buhsannye,asyik dok umh je..nk kuar pn g mne..aritu kuar jln g kl smpai sesat dh aku..tobat pasni aku xnk bwk kete lg kt kl..nek train je sng..dh le jem memanjang..lenguh kaki aku asyik tekan cluch je..mmbr dok sblh sedap je tdo..siot tol!! tah jln mne tah aku msuk tp nsb bek la jmpe jln kuar..finally!! bajet nk blaja la jln kt kl ni cmne last2 dh sesat,trus mls nk igt jln kl ni dh..Krismas ni pn aku dok umh je,tdo memanjang..dh xtau nk watpe..beginilah aku di kala public holiday..nk kuar xde mmbr lak..sux!!..nnti new year tah cmne la ek..nk celebrate ngn awek,awek xde..hehe..dh le dh stat klas time tu..hrp2 x mcm kt mtrx la ek..dh la,buhsan la aku..hrp2 la ade pape yg dpt m'ilangkn kebuhsanan ku ini..Adios!!! (",)v

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Idup ni mmg x lari dr masalah..ble dh setel satu,timbul lg satu..kdg2 ade yg x setel lg dh timbul masalah yg br..cmne otak nk rehat cmni klo asyik pikir psl masalah aku ni,slalu sgt kebnyknnye psl duet la..mcm arini,owner umh sewa aku dh mntk duet sewa 2x,aku mesej la sorg2 dak yg dok skali ngn aku kt umh 2 soh byr sewa..act dr kelmarin lg aku dh soh msukkn kt akaun aku tp smpai skang dak2 ni lngsung x bg kejesme kt aku..dok nk tp sewa payah tol nk byr..act skang ni masing2 kt umh masing2,sbb tu aku soh msuk kt akaun aku psl aku yg paling dkt..nyesal aku dok dkt2 ni..owner tu dh kol aku 2 kali dh,smpai aku dh xtau nk ckp pe dh psl duet xde nk byr sewa..yg owner ni pn satu..xkn la die x phm keadaan kitorg as a student ni cmne..mstila bnyk prob ngn duet tp still nk pkse kitorg soh byr sewa tu cpt2..asl kak??duet dh xde ke..bkk kdai mkn nk ckp duet xde..piirahh!!!..nk gne duet aku dlu byr sewa??!! mntk maap!!..klo diorg x nk byr nnti aku gak yg ssh..aku bkn ade sgt pn duet..aku prnah kne cmtu..xnk ak ulang bnde yg aku prnah alami kwn serumh,tlg la bg kejesme ek psl aku pn dh mls nk g byr2 sewa ni..Adios!!! (",)v

Friday, December 19, 2008

Result Dah Keluar...

Arini result aku x hepi la ngn result aku..aku x puas ati..2 la,dlu soh study btol2,ko study men2..pdn la mke ko fiq!!..ble result dh kuar,x puas ati!! mls tp nk result tinggi!!..bla la lu!!! xpe nsb bek sume pas,xde yg fail..klo fail sakit la aku nk kne repeat paper..dh le payah..sem 1st ni pn dh susah apekn lg next sem,lg la kn..xpe,sem ni aku bnyak men but next sem aku akan try la tuk study hard..aku dpt result cmni pn sbb aku study last minit..mmg le dpt result yg last minit pnye sem aku nk tanam azam la tuk study awl2 supaye aku leh ready lebih awl..insya4JJl aku akan wat..Adios!!! (",)v

Jalan lagi..huu...

Hola..pnt tol aku mggu ni psl bnyk sgt jln..yg t'br ni,smlm aku br blk dr Pngkalan Balak kt Melaka,tmpt yg ade "kerbau pendek" aku x mndi pn dlm 2..aku g sne sbb ade reunion ngn dak volleyball mtrx..besh la dpt jmpe mmbr blk kn,dh lme x x sume la yg dpt dtg..mule2 ramai yg kompom g tp last2 diorg ade program len lak..xleh nk watpe la kn..aku bkn pnt pe,cme pnt drive je..yela,drive dr kl smpai melaka non-stop,mne la x pnt..aku bkn wat aktvti sgt pn kt sne..dpt la ak msuk mtrx yg sekian lmenye aku tnggal kn..rse sonok gak la dpt men volleyball blk kt sne,jmpe la ngn ckgu pian,abg yahya,..lme gak la aku x sentuh bola tmpar 2,dkt 6 bln gak la..mmg aku lepas gian btol2 punye kt sne..masih hebat lg aku ni ek!! mmg besh la..program len ade bakar2 aym,bakar2 jagung,smpai hangus jagung 2 dibakar..betuah punye dak yg bakar 2..pastu borak2,sembang2,ckp2,ngobrol2,ngomong2,pe lg....hurmm..ade 1 insiden ni la yg aku xleh lpekn tp aku xleh cter,tkut m'aibkn dak 2..cian dak 2!! bkn slh aku ek,slh die sndri..then,masing2 wat hal sndri..tdo la,pe lg..time yg nk blk 2 yg mls 2..aku bkn mls pe cme pnt je,x ckup pn huyung-hayang dh..smpai RnR bantai la 1st reunion yg aku g lepas aku kuar mtrx..hope pasni ade la lg ek..k la..Adios!!! (",)v

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cuti2 Malaysia..

Hola,blogger sekalian..act,aku br blk dr Perak ni,g holiday la ngn my fmly..tgh cti skolah,mak bapak aku bwk la 1 fmly g holiday..hee,besh!!kitorg gerak dr umh ari rabu mlm then trus g umh pakcik aku kt Ipoh..mmg dh plan pn nk g umh die..spnjg kitorg kt Perak ni kitorg stay umh die je,save bajet kn,die pn sporting..hehe..dpt la aku jmpe ngn akak aku yg aku sayangi..kazen la..hee...smpai umh die dlm pkol 1.3o am cmtu la..snggup diorg tggu ketibaan kitorg tgh2 mlm,sume x tdo lg..huu..bagus!!..hee..smpai je pe lg,trus tdo la..hee...

Keesokan hari,ari khamis,ari slngor cuti,hee..,bermula la aktiviti kitorg g holiday..mule2 g Lost World of Tambun..act aku sje je nk g situ sbb asyik dgr nme je tp xtau cmne tmptnye..leh tahan la,lbh kurang sme je cm Sunway Lagoon tp cme tmpt die agk kecik la dr Sunway Lagoon tu..aku xde la mandi sgt,cme basah2 bdn je..xde mood la nk mandi..huu..

Keesokan ari lak,mls nk kuar sbb ari jumaat..nk kne smbhyg jumaat,lepas smbhyg tu aku kuar la ngn kazen ak,yg laki tau,g teman die crk aksesori kete,aku pn pndai2 la bg idea kt die cmne nk mekup kn kete die ni..yg die pn iye kn aje..haha..abh kete die aku keje,arini mmg xwat pape la...

Keesokan arinye lg,ari sbtu,kitorg g mandi sungai lak kt Ulu Chepor..hehe..dh lme x mandi sungai..skali masuk,huu,sejuk gler..kali ni 2 fmly skali g..besh gler la smpai mandi pn x igt nk blk dh..hee...

aku yg sntiase kacak..hee..

Mlm tu plak aku,adeq aku ngn kazen aku g tgk midnight movie lak kt JJ..sje buhsan2..bkn slalu kuar ngn kazen aku,tgk movie cter Cicakman 2..cter superhero Malaysia yg pnoh ngn aksi..ceh!!!..cter ni leh dikatekn ok la drp yg dlu ngn apek nye yg klaka,fasha sandha yg cun,ditmbhkn lg ngn sharifah amani yg cute lg,hee..ske tgk amani..haha =P..pas abh midnight je trus blk la,tdo..nk watpe lg...

Arini lak,ari ahd..ari nk blk umh la..xkn nk dok sne slamenye..lepas je lunch trus gerak blk la psl cuace mendung la..dh le aku yg kne drive dr ipoh ke kuale slngor psl ayah aku mls nk drive..tgh2 drive tu tbe2 ujan lebat gler lak..pergh!!mmg x nmpk jln la aku..bwk la slow2..biar lmbt,asal selamat..hehe..finally,selamat la aku sampai kt umh dgn selamatnye..hee..

K la..Adios!!! (",)v